


Oct, 2022
55.7558° N, 37.6173° E



Maps help users navigate from point A to B, and taxi services are a natural extension of this utility ✦ We aimed to enhance user engagement and expand transactional opportunities by integrating taxi ordering into Yandex Maps, creating a seamless experience within the app ✦

metrics. you can't fix what you can't measure. we will work with taxi orders, newcomers, user retention, and conversation rate.

↓ research. below is illustrating how users place taxi orders within our app

... it seems that ordering a taxi is not easy

↓ research. let's ask people

result. many people don't know they can order a taxi in Maps. they search for places and build a route here, then open the taxi app

↓ experiment. ok, let's add a taxi order button to the relevant scenarios (search / transit / routes)

↓ experiment. we will show a taxi alternative for all types of routes

car routes ↓

public transport routes ↓

taxi orders are growing! ↗

problem. click-outs convert to orders significantly worse than orders made within the app ✦

what if we keep our users inside our app? but how? maybe fullscreen webview!

↓ process. we need tariffs

↓ process. also payment methods

of course, settings. done ⤷

↓ process. and the order status

we'll use them for all transactions in our product

↓ process. what about my orders history? done ⤷

↓ process. our orders are growing ↑ but you do not seriously grow anything without an entry point on the main screen ✦

↓ process. pick up time and other features like in other taxi apps

→ result. we have significantly increased taxi orders, and they continue to grow. we are the top choice for new user acquisition, and millions of people use our service


Designer Alex Dyakov
Product Manager
A lot of Developers



Used tools


dribbble github figma in medium fb